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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Troop 316 Hi, my name is Evan Schneider and I will be introducing you to my Troop. This is Boy Scout Troop 316. Last year the troop and their families (including me) drove to a fish hatchery in Madera County. The hatchery’s job was to make sure their was enough fish in the public ponds and rivers.
We got a tour of their work and this is what we saw. To start we were allowed to feed the fish. It was a feeding frenzy!
We discussed relieving them of a couple fish. Although we didn’t reach a conclusion.
When their was a need for more fish a tube was brought to suck up some fish. The fish ended up in the top container.
Afterwards the container would blow the fish through another tube and into a truck.
Then a worker will drive to a river or pond and deposit more fish.
We followed the worker and helped him unload. After our tour we fished for several hours with no success.
I hope you have enjoyed the recount of our Tour of the Fish Hatchery.
Jillian got baptized Monday, August 11, 2008 . She is 7 going on amazingly mature and godly. She is absolutely her parents pride and joy which is saying a lot since her older brothers are extraordinary people. The only problem Jillian has is that even though she has grown in a myriad of ways, she still can’t say “baptized”. Everyone she met this last week she asked, “Do you want to come and see me get bap-i-tized?” THREE syllables. Lots of people came.
One perplexing element of Jillian’s decision to be bap-i-tized is that we don’t recall exactly when she understood the truth about Christ and His sacrifice for her. We don’t remember that she ever prayed the sinner’s prayer. We don’t remember when she may have asked Jesus to come and live in her heart. I have a vague recollection of her telling me she had prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior after a Sunday School class. I must have thought she was too little to remember or know what she was saying. I must have thought she would do it again. Who knew such a little one would know and understand what it is to deserve blame and yet be blameless. Who knew Jesus would never let her go after that? I have to admit I missed the opportunity to rejoice with her. What I failed to do, the angels were doing, however. God’s face has shined on her ever since.
Since 2006, Jillian has been fixated on baptisms. She was always asking questions about what it was like, why they do it, and why did Jesus do it. She had the all the usual questions about the baptismals themselves and how the pastor actually dunks you. At one point she asked, “Can you wear swim goggles?” Jillian has been thinking about following Christ into the water for a long, long time.
But her journey has only just begun. There will be high times, low times and times when God seems distant. I came to the knowledge of Christ through the book of Ecclesiastes... not your usual recommended Bible read for a new Christian. Yet, the truth about the vanity of the world and its ways caused me to cry out for a God.... if He was there. God answered me 25 years ago. Today, I rest in the knowledge that my very good God now has hold of my daughter and by doing so, He answered one of the most important prayers I ever prayed.
For my daughter I am glad she will always know God loves her. He has been there from the beginning. He has been there from her beginning. He will always be there. He won’t ever let her go. Praise God with me and watch this video. Bass Lake is practically in our backyard and for many years, our church has baptized followers of Christ here. Every baptism is wonderful, but this one has a truly wonderful setting to prove it.